Guanqun Yang 杨冠群

Ph.D. Candidate in Computer Science @ Stevens Institute of Technology
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Ph.D. Candidate in Computer Science
Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering & Science
Stevens Institute of Technology

Email: or

Office: Room 433, Gateway South Hall (Google Map)

LinkedIn | GitHub | Google Scholar | Semantic Scholar | ORCID

About Me

I specialize in developing applications that leverage Large Language Models (LLMs) for security and software engineering. My projects reflect a commitment to enhancing security protocols and automating complex processes. Here are a few highlights:

  • LLM-based Verification of Security Vulnerability Reports: Automating the evidence collection for proposed security vulnerability with LLM agents.

  • Continuous Automated Red Teaming of LLMs: Identifying weaknesses in hate speech defense by generating targeted test samples.

  • LLM-based Test Case Generator for SLMs: Developing efficient test cases for managing NLP models on HuggingFace Hub.

  • Automated Management of Security Vulnerability Reports using NER: Streamlining the handling of software names and versions in vulnerability reports using named entity recognition (NER).

I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Xueqing (Susan) Liu. Before coming to Stevens, I received my master's degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from UCLA in 2019. I was working with Prof. Quanquan Gu and Prof. Vwani P. Roychowdhury on the theoretical and application aspect of algorithmic fairness in machine learning systems (my master thesis). I received my Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from Northeastern University, China in 2017.


Recent Activities

  • [2024-06-03] Started interning at Capital One as a data scientist working on LLM-based chatbots.

  • [2023-07-11] Gave a tutorial on AI and ChatGPT to underrepresented high school students. You can find full details in my post on LinkedIn. The slide and notebook is available on GitHub.


  • Besides NLP research, I love opera, live music (classical and not-so classical alike), and hiking. See my reviews of the performances and trail routes here.

  • I am also on Twitter, click the icon to follow.